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Your sacred space for LIVE & on-demand
guided intuitive healings

You deserve to own your power and shine your radiant light so large that you GLOW – all with the effortlessness that it takes to imagine yourself enjoying your favorite vacation spot.

GLOW is a powerful healing experience for people already on the path of self-discovery and growth (even you’ve just dipped your littlest toe into the self-healing space), who are seeking more rapid and consistent transformation, with ease and support.


With every GLOW healing I'll guide you into the energy of expansion where there is no fear, no second guessing, no playing small, and no regrets.


It’s in this sacred space of GLOW that you’ll find yourself – your whole and PERFECT self – and ignite your infinite potential.

Imagine yourself….

  • operating in the higher frequencies of joy, ease, love, peace, truth, confidence, and clarity, to name a few

  • with clear, strong energetic boundaries

  • being fully protected energetically 

  • knowing who you are and what you came here to do

  • being able to shift out unwanted emotions or pain at any time, instantly

  • being able to help others do the same

  • having better relationships, better health, and more abundance

  • creating the life you WANT to live, using GLOW healings to bring it into existence  

You would love this version of yourself, am I right?


Make a personal commitment to yourself to anchor in your light, power, and perfect self.

No prior experience with energy healing is needed

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FREE sample intuitive healing!

If you're wondering what a guided intuitive healing can do for you and whether or not you'll enjoy it, try this FREE 8-minute recording I made just for you! 

GLOW 8 min sample healing
00:00 / 08:26

Here's a small sample of the themes of the recorded healing sessions waiting for you in GLOW:

Peace, Balance, & Trust. Manifesting. Releasing Anger. Wholeness. Emotional Clearing. Creativity. Playing Big. Joy & Clarity. Speaking Your Truth. Heart Healing. Self-Love. Patience. Trusting Your Intuition. Letting Go of the Past. Reclaiming Your Power. Releasing Grief.

woman with flowing scarf

100+ free healings await you!

With over 100 powerful recorded healing sessions to choose from and new ones added each week, you'll always be able to find what you need in the moment.


Turn your pain into power, your darkness into light, and GLOW!

Red Fireworks
"WOW! WOW! WOW! I am amazed!!! Your weekly offering - GLOW - helps me remember who I am & what I'm doing here. Deep love & appreciation for you!"

Vicki H

"A little bit of light dispels a lot of darkness."
Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi
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